Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Hey, I am writing from Yokota tonight. I am staying at Sierra (Fisher) and Ryan's, her husband, place. It was quite an experiance to get up here. Not incredibly difficult, but there was a little anxiety involved. I left my house at 8:45 this morning and got to Yokota at 11:20. That is one long trip. I took the train the whole way, but it was hard to find one that was going as far as I needed to go. Oh well, I made it here alright. It is a stereotypical air force base, but it is nice and their apartment is homey too. Not much to say, just wanted to give everyone an update on my life. I'll be home tomorrow. Hopefully my cat isn't too lonely.


  1. Say hi to Sierra for me. I think about her family every time I drive by her parents place.

    Sounds like the travel time from Bremerton to Seatac, well maybe a little longer, unless the bridge is closed!
    bought a Japan map so I can keep track of everywhere you are going.

    What makes the base any differnet than a Naval Base, except one has planes and the other has ships?

    Glad you're getting out and about, have fun.


  2. The Navy way -> build the ships, build the pier, build the gym and other amenities with whatever's left.

    The Air Force way ->build the golf course, build the housing, build the exchange, build the air strip, then complain to Congress that there isn't enough money to buy planes so they can get more cash.

    That's the difference. :-)

  3. you're such a butthead! The base is very nice and their housing is great. The area around Yokota is beautiful and I saw Fuji for the first time since getting here. It was fantastic.

  4. So glad you're seeing more of the country. It's an adventure.

    I used to see Mt. Fuji from the school bus every day. The air was also probably clearer in 1957, for a better view, more days.

    Kitty will be very happy to see you when you come home. :-)

    Gramma T

  5. Could be worse, you could be in the Army or Marines!

    Not to change the subject......but I will, did you ever get your new couch? Is it sleepable?

