Thursday, November 16, 2006

its STILL cold!!

I think the Navy is trying to torture us.
Okay, sorry for stating the obvious.
It is super cold around here. Okay, not freaky Seabeck 29 degrees, but 58-60 inside the house is too cold. They started running water or something through the steam pipes in the heaters and we all got excited that they were going to turn the heat on early (it isn't coming on until Nov. 22nd). Turns out it is just the water. No heat. Thats just mean!! I'll make sure not to get frostbite on my fingers as I sit here and type. Okay, I am being dramatic but I am sure you understand. Everyone knows what it is like to have to type or use the mouse when your fingers are freezing.
Anyway, onto other things. Pratically had a mental breakdown this morning about money, so I am returning to my determination to get a job. I went to Yokosuka today and got fingerprinted for the subsitute position and will turn that in tomorrow with a copy of my passport. That FINALLY completes my application and I can be considered for the position. I also have been looking at English Schools online and found an awesome all womens one. I have been emailing with the owner or director of the school. She gave me some information on the school and encouraged me to apply. I am so super duper excited about it. I will probably send her my resume tomorrow. Wish me luck!! Yay.

1 comment:

  1. About time you got off your excercise ball and did something to make yourself happier. Your certainly capable of doing anything you want to do. GO FOR IT!!

    Besides they may have the schools heated....Yah

