Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flight to Seattle

Nearly everything is ready for me to leave tomorrow. Most things are straightened out here. I just need to finish packing my bag. Since I don't intent on bringing too many things it is the least of my worries. I'll be at the terminal by noon tomorrow and should know around one or 1:30 if I get on. I will be making lots of calls to let people know if I make it on or not. I'll have to call my house and cat sitters and other people to make sure everything is okay. I have very little hope I'll make it, but I clearly have to try.
I went to the travel agency today and they quoted a round trip flight for me at $890. I'd rather not pay that if I don't have to. It's more than I want to pay, but still considerably cheaper than anything else I'd find.
Alright, did I forget anything else?


  1. Sounds like you have everything covered. If you miss this flight and go commercial when could you get out?

    Gather you got a sitter for Mocha, good I was really worried about what we would do with her. She could stay upstairs but there is so much stuff we would probably lose her for a month.


  2. Yay! We're looking forward to seeing you and your baby bump in person! :-)
