Thursday, August 07, 2008

Budgeting Class

I took the Budget for Baby class offered by the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society tonight. It was alright. I got some good resources, but the class itself wasn't so beneficial. I actually feel guilty about the bag of free stuff I got, most of which I already have.
When I went to the post office before I left, I had about 6 boxes waiting for me. Some of it is Danny's, but I got some things I have ordered. I got the two baby wraps/carriers I wanted and the diaper bag I got on sale. Tracy also sent me a box that had some baby clothes in it from the shower. That means I have more laundry to do. :)
I took the day off to get things done, but I didn't get anything done. Big shocker. It was a hard day, just feeling a little down. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Honestly I am just tired of being pregnant. It's a little too early yet for her to be born, but I can say there is nothing fun about being pregnant anymore. I am becoming aware again of how much it's messing with my hormones. This last month is gonna be tough. It doesn't help that Danny is gone and I am SO over that too. I told him this morning that sometimes I really hate the Navy. It is time for him to come home 'cause I am tired of dealing with it. I think I handle it pretty well most the time, but when I'm done I'm done. Hopefully it is just two more weeks. I hope Sato can get a clue and give Danny a decent flight back instead of making him wait until September. I may have to kick someone's bum.


  1. Yep, sounds as if you're ready for baby girl to be born. The last month is the hardest, but you'll do it. Hopefully, yes, Danny will be able to arrange an earlier flight than the 2nd, that's just cutting it too close. Odds are you'll be late, but there's certainly no guarantee.

    Hang in there, you're a strong woman, you can do it! Glad to hear the box made it okay, I'll be bringing more stuff with me too. :-)

  2. Relax, make a really good Smoothie, get your feet up, and have a talk with that girl inside. Yes the last month is hard, kind of like "hurry up and wait" but the time will really fly by fast. You have done wonderful so far, don't let the Hormones kick you around.

    Remember to wash the baby clothes in Dreft or Ivory soap. I don't think they recommend softener do they?
    With your families background of allergies I wouldn't take a chance.

    I'm sure Danny is as anxious to be home as you are to have him there. He's probably worried to death that he will miss the grand finale and you can name her anything you want. : ) Gertrude,Geraldine,Guinevere,Hildegarde,Josephine,am I getting close yet? How about Harry? or is it Henrietta....I kind of like that we could call her "Henny Penny" I think that's cute!

    Have you had your sit down talk with Mocha yet?

    Hugs to all,

  3. I'm lovin' the mom and gram advice.

    The last month is a hurdle, but you'll make it. I'm feeling your frustration. Take some time every day to "count your blessings;" it helps to lift the mood.

    Isn't it amazing that so many of us have wanted to do it again and again? I have a friend who would have had more than her eight(!), but she got too old.

    Praying for Danny to be there when he needs to.

    Got your card yesterday; wish we could have been at the shower. We were there in spirit. We talked about you..."she must be opening her gifts about now..."

    Caitlin is in the midst of application to Corban College.

    Eloise/Gramma T
