Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stork's Nest

I finally have a tentative date for my check-in to the Stork's Nest (the "hotel" for expecting moms). The coordinator called me and said they're flexible on the date. Right now I'm scheduled for the third. I told her that although everyone says they try to get people in two weeks early that they didn't need to get me in that early. Really, we don't live that far away and I am sure she won't be born that early anyway. If anything changes I'm sure I can adjust the date. They keep the room available for up to two weeks after my due date so I'm not concerned about that at all.
Anyway, thats the latest update. Glad I don't have to pack that bag for a few weeks. At least I know Danny will be here by the time I'm ready to stay in Yokosuka. I think he'll be starting leave at the beginning of that week.


  1. Pack the bag! When you are by yourself, always have things ready to go.

    I read that the contractions you had are not unusual for first time mothers. I am really happy she is heading down.

    I read you could be experiencing increased absentmindedness in this month.......scary thought! Don't forget things, make a list all the time.

    Love Grandma

  2. Oh, I am packed at least mostly. Even if I wasn't alone, there wouldn't be enough time to pack if I needed to go. The midwife is telling me to wait until contractions are 2-3 minutes apart for an hour before I come in. Not that I'm sure I'd pay much attention to that if I thought something was happening.
    I only had contractions that once and they were very abnormal, so there is little stress at this point.
    "Pregnancy brain" can hit at any time. So far, I haven't found myself any more forgetful than I have been the last few months!

  3. Be prepared, that's the Boy Scout motto, right? Danny's an Eagle Scout, you know. ;-)

  4. Lori, I just hope you are doing well. I'll go back to Tokyo on 21st of August. Please take a good rest and stay healthy. I love you.
