Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm still here

I realized this morning that I probably shouldn't be quiet too long 'cause everyone will wonder where I am and whats going on. If you don't hear from me, you'll really have to assume no news is good news though. There is nothing new going on here. No more contractions or any other sign she'll be coming anytime soon. My next appointment is on Wednesday morning and I'll be staying in Yokosuka until later because I have my breastfeeding class at two. Of course I'll try to update as soon as I get home. Sure there won't be much to say. They'll be checking for dilation and other fun pregnancy things. My appointment is with a midwife I've never met before. The one thing I hope to get out of her is a realistic answer of what my due date really is. I know they can't say for sure, but if I'm measuring 2 weeks behind I'd like to know if I can expect her that much later than they keep telling me. I am kinda tired of dealing with them "not worrying about it". Sometimes you just want a straight answer....
Well, that is all there really is to say. Not much besides pregnancy happening. Our neighbors just officially left this morning, but Amy told me last night that if I need anything I shouldn't hesitate to call her. She'd find someone to watch the kids if she needed to. Hopefully Danny will be home and that won't be an issue, even if he'll be going to work during the day.
Oh, and we went to the Bon Odori festival last night. Everything was pretty much the same as last year, but I'll see if I have any good and different pictures. I can guarantee they aren't as good as last year.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I reached 37 weeks today so whenever she is born she will not be considered preemie, but full term. Guess thats quite a milestone.


  1. What would we do without Amy? Remember when you worried about finding friends? I think you struck a gold mine, what a wonderful girl, now send a picture so I know her when I see her, also the twins.

    Glad things are just moving along, one day at a time.
    I wish you were gaining a little more weight. EAT!

    Love Grandma

  2. Yet another sigh of relief that baby girl's going to be a big, healthy baby! That's quite a milestone. Hopefully she doesn't decide to hang out too long before coming into the world, I'd sure like to actually meet her!

    Thanks for the update, you're right. When we don't hear from you, we wonder! XXOOX Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy
