Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My 37 week appointment

Had my 37 week appointment at 1020 this morning. I didn't want to believe Danny, but he has some crazy instinct; the midwife was running behind. I don't think I actually saw her until 10 to 11. Well first, my heart rate was a little high so they checked it again manually. It and my blood pressure came back normal. So much for technology!
Baby's heart rate was in the 150's. The problem was that my fundal height was only 32. She did the internal and they baby has dropped a little, but not enough to count for the low fundal height. Cervix was about as closed as it could get, so no progress in that department.
So the midwife was a little concerned. She left to make some phone calls and got me into radiology at 3 for an ultrasound. The concern was about her size and possibly the amount of amniotic fluid. If she was in the 10th percentile or less they would have to decide if I even got to come home today, and if I did they may start two appointments a week. Obviously I was a little freaked out. I hadn't brought my hospital bag with me and Danny is still in the states...
(I was a little upset this morning because Danny told me he is not able to change his flight plans and only the XO can do that if he decides it necessary. Otherwise, he has to stay in Seattle until Sept 2nd. I'll keep you updated as I hear more.)
I had a breastfeeding class at 2 I had to leave early. They did all the measurements in the ultrasound and compared to the "average 37 week fetus" she is in the 13th percentile. They said she was more like a 35 week fetus with a due date of Sept 20th. Her weight is currently at 5lbs 14oz. I assume the amount of amniotic fluid was okay. The midwife told me that everything looked okay for now and I was allowed to go home. Tomorrow morning someone will call me and schedule an NST (non-stress test) for Friday or Monday. For those who don't know, during an NST they hook me up to machines that monitor the baby's heartbeat, movement, and any contractions I may have. That should take 20-30 minutes.
I am not ready for this baby to be born - not like this. Like I said, I was terrified today and the thought of being induced, and without Danny here, scares me even more. Now I feel like I need to keep an extra eye out for any changes. I am nervous and want to hold out until Danny is home. Guess I'll never feel ready, even if I have my bags with me!
Over time, I am relaxing a bit more though. Since there doesn't seem to be any major issues, I think it is possible that she is just meant to be a small baby. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. There was a sale in the exchange today, so I bought some preemie outfits in case she doesn't fit into newborn or 0-3 month cloths at birth. Plus, I was trying to plan in case I got admitted today. From now on, my hospital bag will be in the car. (Oh, and speaking of car: I ran into a metal construction barrier and dented/scratched the car. Let's make the day better!)
My next "regular" appointment will be on Friday the 29th with yet another different doctor.
Well, here is pics from the ultrasound. They aren't so great. I can explain/decipher later.


  1. I read that stress can actually slow or reverse the dilating. Sounds like you have had your share of stress lately. If she is small don't worry, she just needs to be healthy. If the doctors think going longer will help increase her weight, go ahead. We should have stuffed you full of more food when you were here, and got that baby weight gain going. I understand they don't gain as much in the last couple of weeks as they are preparing for birth.
    Try to relax, rest,listen to quiet music, take a warm bath, pet Mocha a lot (that helps), let nature take her course. (and watch out for wild road barrier's).

    Remember I was full term and only weighed 5 lbs. and 4 oz. at birth. I was very healthy and never slow in growth and grew bigger than most of the kids my age.

    I understand your fear of being alone right now, guess it wouldn't do any good to cross your legs, maybe just cross your fingers.

    Pretty scary to go to the doctor thinking everything is fine......and suddenly the world goes upside down, I really am glad they are keeping a close eye on any changes, and it sounds like they found nothing wrong. thank goodness, my hair can't get any grayer!

    Hugs to you both,
    love Grandma

  2. And if you need us, just let us know. I'll take emergency leave and SO be there ASAP! Danny was only 6# 10 1/2 oz when he was born, not exactly huge by any stretch of the means. He sure has made up for that since though! ;-)

    Like you grandmother said, try to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. It may be the last rest you get for the next 18 years or so! It could be they just mis-judged your original due date, couldn't it? I just hope she's born before we leave! I'm bringing a family emergency leave form with me though, just in case.

    We love all three of you and are here if you need us, only as far away as the next flight! XXOOX

    Mom/Tracy; Dan/Dad

  3. Glad everything is ok. My youngest brother was 5.5 pounds, and grew to over six feet tall!

    Jim also ran into a barrier of some kind on the right side of his faithful pickup....dented the door and scraped all the way back to wheel well. :( That was Monday.

    Our love and prayers are with you.
