Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Placing my bet

Welcome to a new week!
So far this one has been quite exhausting for me. I haven't been super busy, but do get tired quite easily. Naps are my best friend. Mocha likes them too 'cause she really likes to cuddle with me. Last night I didn't sleep so well (hot & uncomfortable) so I was dragging all morning.
Yesterday afternoon I went down to Yokosuka for the "Labor & You" class. We got a lot of information on basically what to expect during labor. I knew a lot of things in the class already, but did learn some new and useful things. I don't think any amount of classes could prepare me for the big day.
Besides the class, I've just been trying to straighten the house out. I cleaned out the living room closet yesterday and moved a bunch of stuff to our storage shed. I am also trying to clear out general crap. We collect a lot of useless stuff. (Especially Danny!) Right now the guest bedroom is collecting all the extra stuff. Dan and Tracy, I promise it'll be cleaned out before you get here! I have a lot of stuff I just don't know what to do with, like my old computer. I think it'll have to be donated. Not sure that anyone will want to buy it, but I should try one last time. Just gotta post fliers.
Weather here has been a little crazy today. It was overcast and hot this morning. Just after 11 it started to rain and it has on and off nearly the whole day. We had a thundercloud move right over the house. Had to plug my ears a few times. Every now and then I still hear rumbling off in the distance. Don't think I'll be taking my walk tonight.
Oh, I promise to take a belly picture soon. Not exactly wearing my fine clothing today. Got too sweaty earlier.
Thursday night is my Budget 4 Baby class. I get to come home with $100 worth of free stuff. Woohoo.

Oh, and I ALMOST forgot the main reason I started to post. I have been looking back at my first ultrasound and other information and decided to make my own guess on when she'll be born. I am placing my bets on September 12th. In just a few weeks we'll know for sure.


  1. Wow, you've been one busy woman! Please don't worry about cleaning out the spare room for us, we'll just shift stuff when we get there. So, you think Sept 12th will be the big day? I hope so! That'll be the day after we arrive. I think tonight we're going to just go ahead and get commercial tickets, play it safe. And... the CO's wife has offered to kitty sit for us, they already have two kitties, so, as she said, what's one more? We'll return the favor for them sometime in the future as well. Things are shaping up on this end!

    Oh, Danny's Aunt Carol & Uncle John are having a lot of stuff from your Amazon baby registration shipped to us, since Amazon won't ship to APO addresses. Some of it I'll just bring with me, but the high chair, we'll try shipping from here. Fortunately, it's not something you'll need right away!

    Love you both, we're looking forward to seeing you soon!!!! XXOOX Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy

  2. Maybe you think the 12th but don't be surprised it Lulu makes a guest appearance before that. You could wait until the 13th and have it on your Uncles 50th birthday, now wouldn't that be a surprise gift!

    I'm hoping some of the stuff you wanted on Amazon will be in the boxes. Especially creams etc.

    The woman who writes the military column in the Sun, wrote about taking advantage of the birthing classes etc. She writes a very informative column.

    Keep busy and you and Mocha take lots of naps.

