Friday, August 01, 2008

Vet advice

So, I have to make a shameless plug for a website.
No actually I am really happy and am making a recommendation. Mocha has been favoring her eye all week and I kept putting off calling the vet. Yes, an answer would have been free from them but I decided I didn't want to wait any longer and it is already after hours on Friday. So Lori waited too long, thats me. :)
I was trying to find online advice and I came across a website called just answers. I was able to ask a real person (veterinarian) a question and I got an answer in less than 5 minutes. She was really sweet and helpful too. I know sometimes people don't have the time or money to take their animal to the vet, so I just want to put this out there for anyone who has never heard about it. If you're interested you can follow this link (Ask Your Cat Question Now.) or go to the link I will keep in the right side bar.

BTW, she told me to apply a tea bag to the eye for 30 seconds 4 times a day and try to use saline eye drops like people who have contacts use. I'll be trying it out and I'll let you know how it works.


  1. Will Mocha let you put a tea bag on her eye for 30 seconds? Or the saline drops? I think if I tried that with Snowphish, I'D be the one needing the tea bag and eye drops! Thanks for the tip on the website though, if anyone needs it, I'll be sure to pass it on to them. I'm glad you found someone to help you out!

  2. I have heard of the Tannic in Black Tea used as a poultice for swelling wonder if it is the same idea. She may have poked herself in the eye with something that causes an irritation. Hope she doesn't have allergies. Can you do it while she is asleep? or maybe watching television, that's when we are all in a stupor.

