Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Biggest Loser

Greetings everyone! I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but I can't let Lori do all the talking. Anyway, I figured I'd take a minute to fill everone in on how shipboard life is going (since Lori's filling all y'all in on Japan). So the biggest thing is that I am now officially the Communications Officer and EKMS Manager. Basically, these are two huge jobs (and honestly, seperate, but still connected). Anyway, I just took over today, so it's pretty cool. The other big thing is that the MWR onboard is sponsoring a "Biggest Loser" (just like the show) contest while we're gone and I decided to take part (the only one from the Wardroom actually). The contest is a little rough around the edges this time, but it's still going to be fun. The unfortunate part is that the rules count only total weight lost, so that actually puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage. Other than that, I just want to say that I'm really looking forward to (possibly) coming back. Everything is sounding promising. Well, I send my love to everyone. Have a good one!


  1. Ya! Go Danny!!
    (I am just here to be his cheerleader.)

  2. Good to hear from you, I was beginning to think you were a figment of Lori's imagination. She hauls around a big picture cut out of you and takes pictures.
    Very hard to lose weight, but certainly worth the effort even if you don't win. You will feel so much better.
    Congratulations on the new job!
    Yes, we too hope to see you again soon.


  3. Dan,
    With you in our lives we are
    " The Biggest Winner !! "

    Congrats on the Job

    Larry / Dad
