Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She finally made it

Yes, it is true. Melanie Rose was finally born at 2:46 this morning weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18" long. The certidel was given to me at 9am and contractions started. I was progressing okay and they decided to put me on the pitocin to get me the rest of the way. I was still progressing, but on the pitocin her heart rate would drop quite drastically after a contraction. They spent the rest of the night taking me off and putting me back on it. I was creating strong regular contractions on my own, but not progressing quite fast enough. I got an epidural which was the greatest thing ever and was finally able to rest. After baby monitoring for a while, they broke my water and inserted the baby heart rate and contraction monitor directly into me.
Eventually they decided to call Dr. Chang who was in charge of c-sections. After watching me for maybe an hour after that, it was decided that since I was only 7-8 cm and Melanie was having problems that it was best for her to be born via c-section. Not much to say besides that. I got my catheter out this afternoon and have been able to spend a lot of the day moving around. Its been nice.
Melanie is having a few problems latching on, but we are making progress. Looks like we'll be feeding again after this post and FINALLY going to bed. I am very tired and haven't gotten much sleep today. Too much excitement.
It was asked about flowers and I was told that anyone should be able to call the NEX ordering line. They send the order to the NEX here, who would know where the hospital is. Specifing Yoksuka is the important part. If you want to call us directly, our number is 011-81-46-816-8550. Just be careful about what hours you call us and don't be surprised if there is no answer. If you don't have that number, calling the one I gave you in the last post is good. At the Labor and Delivery desk, ask for us by name or room number (3).
We gotta go feed now. Here are some pictures.


  1. Wow! You do good work. :D

    Wonderful to see pictures of both of you.

    I rose early to check the blog. :)

    Gramma T

  2. I was hoping for pictures. You both look wonderful, what a beautiful little girl, I'm sure she will catch on to the feeding very soon. What can I say...........she is WONDERFUL!!!

    Glad you are getting some much needed rest, love to everyone from Bremerton.♡


  3. I'm going to visit Lori, Danny and Melanie today :)
    I'm soooooooo happy that I can see them. Lori called me in the early morning, and I was so excited that I couldn't get back to sleep for a while. Lori is my special friend.
    Thank you, Lori.

  4. Kana,

    Give them all a big hug and a kiss from all of us here in the states.

    Grandpa Larry
