Friday, September 05, 2008

Yokosuka & Appointment

I have to type quick 'cause I have lots to do and not much time. We came back up to the house tonight for a short time and I want to get things together to go back to Yokosuka.
Had my ultrasound this morning. Everything looks good and I got to see her practicing her breathing without hiccups. Very cute. She is still growing and fell into the range for her size in all catagories even if she is the size of an average baby 2 or 3 weeks younger. I don't want to push out a watermelon!
The midwife was busy this afternoon so I was hooked up to the NST machine for nearly 1.5 hours. Luckily Danny showed up to save me. I was tired of being stuck laying there. Happy when they took me off. I had a few minor contractions while I was there, but they weren't strong or regular. The midwife didn't measure me or check my cervix today. At this point it doesn't matter much anyway.
I have another appointment on Tuesday morning and have been scheduled for an induction if she doesn't come. September 15th!! I need her to come naturally though...
So, I will hopefully get the internet in the Stork's Nest figured out soon. Until then, we'll find another way to contact you if needed.
Love you all.


  1. Sounds pretty hectic. Where is the "relax and take it easy"?

    Keep us posted as much as you can.

    Sofia and Lisa are here now.

    Love Grandma

  2. I asked Danny to let us know how to get to where you are from the airport so you won't have to worry about it, should you happen to be in labor when we land. That's the LAST thing you need to worry about!

    I'm glad to hear they'll induce before you have to wait too awfully long. That's promising! We're waiting with baited breath to hear how you're doing.

    XXOOX Mom/Tracy; Dad/Dan

  3. Don't want to be induced, but I certainly am tired of waiting. She is making my life rather difficult.
    I am not worried about the airport. That is all Danny's work. :)

  4. Danny gave us two VERY easy options for getting from the airport to Yokosuka, so we're golden there. No worries.

    Big day's tomorrow, not that we expect the baby girl to make her appearance on schedule. Babies aren't really known for that! LOL
