Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Last appointment

The last appointment this morning went great. Had a few minor contractions during the non-stress test and baby's heart rate was doing well. My uterus was measuring at 37 and the amniotic fluid was sufficient (10-11 cm, 8 is low). Danny hadn't seen her on ultrasound since my 19 week appointment so the midwife did some looking around before we were done. I know it made him happy.
If I don't go into labor by the 15th, we are supposed to call the hospital at 5:30 am and go in by 6. She could possibly be born by the end of the day. Labor by drugs, as I've said, doesn't sound like a lot of fun but I really want Danny to have sufficient time with her and I'm not gonna argue with the midwife.
Thanks for the prayers.
Here is what I hope is the final belly picture. I know I haven't posted any in a long time. I took ones previous, but this is the one that matters.


  1. Wow!!Wow!Wow!Wow!!!!
    So this means she'll be born at latest on the 15th?
    This two weeks are the busiest day for me bacause our school have a school festival this weekend, and I'm the leader of it. But it means I'll be able to have more free time after this weekend. I'm going to see you soon!
    Please take care of yourself, Lori.

  2. Oh, what a cute little baby tummy you have! I can hardly wait to meet the final result. And maybe we'll get to see Kana too while we're there? That would be wonderful!

    Love you, see you tomorrow!! XXOOX Mom/Tracy, Dad/Dan

  3. May, you really do look like a Studebaker. Good thing I can see your head I wouldn't know if you were coming or going : )

    Did they tell you what she weighs now? or guess as to length?

    What do they tell you about inducing? As i recall they said the minute they start the fluid through your veins you will go into hard labor, no gradual, get use to pains. is this still true? Of course your time would be shorter and that can be a blessing.

    Thank you for the up date and picture, everyone keeps asking us what is going on. I don't know if your Uncles realize they will be Great Uncles....it sounds so old.

    Love to all of you, even Kana

