Friday, July 20, 2007

So cute

Now I want to learn to crochet just so I can make this. You can't tell me it's not cute.


  1. It looks like it belongs to someone. Do you have a way to get a pattern? Yes, it is really cute and also looks very practical.


  2. How funny is this? I've already downloaded this pattern! Did you get it too? If not, I'll be happy to send you the link. Crocheting is actually easier than knitting in my opinion. A great book to get started with is, "Teach Yourself to Crochet in a Day". They take you step by step, just as if someone was sitting next to you and showing you. That's the one I used to teach myself. Start at the beginning of the book and do all their lessons in order, and you'll be amazed at how easy it is.

    And you're right, killer pattern, I love it!
