Thursday, September 20, 2007

OK- yesterday

So, I've been working at the school this week and I will be here next week as well. I had to take yesterday off (and they hired a sub for the sub!) so I could go teach my class in Yokohama. I got up at 7:30 even though my body is now used to getting up at 6:30 and I had to leave for the bus by 8:50. It takes a long time to get to Yokohama, but I got there at 9:40 or so. I went to Starbucks, got a small coffee and went to wait until the classroom was open.
I was at class until noon. Then I got a train back to Negishi and a taxi to the gate because I had to drive down to Yokosuka. I was home by 12:30 and had plans at 1:30 to meet a woman (Barbara Grobler) who used to work at Silverdale Elementary and knew G.G. Snyder and Mrs. Lougheed. Luckily, I told her that I would probably be a few minutes late.
About halfway to Yokosuka, the car started making a strange sound when I would accelerate from a stop or go over a bump. There are not many places to stop, so I had to drive for another 20 minutes or so before I pulled into a convienence store parking lot. It was then that I discovered that the metal strap that holds the muffler up had busted, so it was hitting the ground while I drove. I prayed the rest of the way that it wouldn't fall off. It is easier to replace the strap than the whole muffler!
I met Barbara about 10 minutes late and we talked for about an hour and a half. She invited me to visit her house after Danny comes home and befor ewe leave for Rhode Island.
My plans were to go to the commissary, but I had to take care of the car first. So, I drove across base and had someone from the autoport look at it. They put a temporary strap on and requested an estimate for the replacement. Now that I think of it, I should have just asked them to order it. No matter how much it is (and I hope it shouldn't be much) we need it. I am sure there are other things that car needs. I don't want a repeat of the Skyline, so we need to take care of this one.
I finally made it to the commissary and got home by5:30. I inhaled a frozen dinner and got ready for my aerobics class. Even after I got home I still had a hard time relaxing. Now that I am at work and still have 1.5 hours before my lunch break, I wish I could just go home. Luckily, today is early release at 1:40 and tomorrow we're out at 11:00 for teacher training. I always get to go home when the kids go home. Hurray!
On the plus side, sitting in the office allows me lots of time to work on my scarf. I just finished the first foot of it. Only about 4 more feet to go (at least). Wow, I hope I have that much yarn.


  1. At least you weren't bored. Funny, Dan was on patrol right after we got here and the strap broke on our car too. *Twilight Zone music here*.

    Can harldy wait to see some of the things you've been working on. You're going to be creating your own patterns before we know it.
    :-) Mom/Tracy

  2. I was right, Barbara Grobler was a friend or G. Grandma Snyder. Was it through Eastern Star?

    Yes sounds like your day was hectic. Cars have a way of doing things when you don't need the extra problems. Wait until you have an appointment and you go out to see a flat tire on the car. I mean REALLY flat! These little things will happen to any least the muffler didn't fall off. that happened to me and the darn thing was to hot to pick up!!

  3. Grandma, why did you start posting as anonymous?

  4. I messed up on the username one time and it keeps showing that mix up and then won't print my message. I found if I hit anonymous it will print it. i have redone my username several times but it always goes back to the crazy one. Soooo for the time being I will be anonymous. It doesn't always remember me anyway. I hate it when I have written this big long note and then I can't send it GRRRR!!
