Saturday, September 01, 2007


Sorry I haven't written. There isn't much going on right now, but I am still here!


  1. And we keep checking every day, just in case. Not a lot going on here either. Blackberry Festival downtown that we probably won't go to, too many people. Maybe Seattle tomorrow, but avoiding Bumbershoot like the plague. Again, too many people. ;-)

    Love and miss you both, Mom/Tracy

  2. Yes. I too check the blogg a couple of times a day, just in case.

    I told your Dad ther other day I think I got more done when I had three little boys running around the house. Of course in some ways I STILL have three little boys running around the house! Maybe I can't get anthing done because their feet are bigger.


  3. Smiling at your posts. :-D

    I, too, check in regularly. You are on our tool bar, so it's easy to click and see what's new.

    We just got home from an overnight in Olympia... our anniversary is today. #48
