Sunday, September 30, 2007

New cat toy

Danny and I went to Tokyu Hands (a shopping store) in Yokohama last night and I found this awesome cat toy for 4500 yen. It is basically just a laser and a mirror. It rotates the laser beam in circle and you shine it on the wall or floor for your cat.
Mocha goes slightly crazy over it. I took a very short video that had Danny and I laughing hysterically.

I've posted the longer video on Myspace and it is public. More info later.
Also, here are some great pics.
Okay, nevermind. The pictures won't load. Look for them later.


  1. Poor Mocha.

    Sounds like Dan is having to much fun.

  2. Yeah, Danny has a maniacal laugh going on there... then again, that's exactly what I've come to expect from him!

  3. I really enjoyed seeing the longer video too on your Myspace account. I'm not sure whether I was laughing at Mocha or because of Danny's laugh. Pretty infectious! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  4. Yes, poor Mocha, why do we think it is funny to drive an animal crazy? Then again, we always put tape on the cat's feet and thought that was hilarious!

  5. Tape on a cats feet?
    That would just be mean!
    Next thing that you will tell me that is ok to give whiskey to chickens.

    BAD Gram !!!

  6. Who wrote that?
    I think tape on the feet is hilarious. I was thinking about putting hair rubber bands on her legs.

  7. I will never tell

    Said the spider to the fly

    EEEEK a Spider!

    Is what he fly said

    Be careful with rubber bands.
    is what i said

  8. Okay, obviously not going to allow the cat to eat the rubberbands!
    I will resist the urge to delete messages from anonymous writers. Sorry, you have to understand the internet today or just my instinct to be weirded out by people who withold their name.
