Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mocha and Lori

We are both a bit under the weather today. No, I am not sick, just tired. Spent part of my evening sleeping in the couch. I'm better now, but I am dreading planning tomorrow's lesson. I have to meet with my difficult student again.
This week is my week to relax. I got a call yesterday asking me to work at the school for two weeks starting next Monday. I guess it won't be so bad, but I do enjoy being home more than sitting at school all day doing nothing and attempting to make myself look competent.
Mocha had her annual vaccinations this morning. One rabies and another multi something. She isn't having any allergic reactions, but I think she was a bit traumatized by being in a box for a few hours and forced to lay on a cold table while a stranger stuck needles in her. I would be too! Luckily, I took the opportunity of being in Yokosuka to buy her a real cat carrier. I was still using the cardboard box PAWS gave us.
Speaking of PAWS, as if I am not busy enough... the support group for the ship is trying to put together a training session for some interested spouses. Last time I spoke to the coordinator she said I was the only one interested, but they were still gonna do it. Since we'll be in the states for a while I'm not sure if it will work out. When I tell people all the things I do I sound really busy, but I have loads of free time. I have 15 private students (but I don't meet with them all right now), I just started teaching a class in Yokohama two Wednesdays a month, I substitute at the Elementary school, I volunteer at the church, I attend bible study on Thursday night, and I love my new weekly aerobics class. Unfortunately my knee has started hurting again, so that makes things a bit difficult. I am going tomorrow morning, but I'll have to take it easy.
The important thing is that I am doing all this while Danny is gone. I am not sure how it is going to work out once he is home. He'll just have to deal. He'll get me entirely while he is in school though, since it will be impossible for me to do normal things. It comes with mixed feelings. I've started thinking "what in the world am I gonna do while he is in class?" I'll have to find a way to get out and do things without doing too much without him. Hmm.... Any suggestions?
Okay, I've yapped enough. Write to me. I am lonely and getting very impatient waiting for Danny to come home again. Since that one day in August doesn't really count, I don't feel like I've seen him since the middle of July. Its been a long two months.
I think I'm gonna go watch a movie now and eat some carrots and peanut butter (thanks to Amy for getting me hooked on that). Tomorrow I may go to her house and play Wii. I don't have a lesson until 7:05.


  1. Okay.....I just got home from shopping, my knees hurt, my back hurts, I have a headache and it is 83 degrees out and too hot to do anything,
    I took G. Grandma today and she says she should have waited to have me until she was 40, that way I would be younger and in better shape to take care of her now.
    Build up the thigh muscle in the bad knee leg and it will help support the knee. It worries me that your knee bothers you as young as you are. My advice is, don't wait too long to have it looked at, there are things that can be done sooner. I waited to long. If it hurts STOP. They told me swimming or water exercise is good for knees. Also a Recumbent bike is better than an upright.
    Do leg lifts, add weight to the ankle or jugs of water will work.

  2. To add to that, try a knee brace. My friend used that during aerobics and it really helped her. If nothing else, it reminds you your knee is there and to be kind to it.

    I'm so glad you're staying busy while Danny's gone. I'm worried a 2 month deployment isn't that much for a surface ship and you'll just have to get used to even longer ones in the future. Fortunately, there's a TON of things to do in the Northeast, you shouldn't have any problems keeping yourself busy while Danny's in school. Find some yarn shops, local book stores, etc. Just an FYI, don't let Danny watch any parades with life sized Mickey Mouse characters. They scare him. At least they did when he was 8 months old. ;-)

    We're still hoping you'll be to get leave while you're stateside, let us know when you do, okay? XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  3. All I have to say is "LOL!!" I've spent a lot of time around babies recently and the thought of 8 month old Danny crying at a life size Mickey Mouse just makes me laugh.

    My leg muscles are really strong and I feel like I've been very kind to my knee, but it just randomly acts up. I climbed Mt. Fuji and had no problems, but it randomly starts to hurt just doing normal, everyday things. And that only happens once every three or four months. If I have a problem again I'll go see Dr. Amaya.

  4. I know you want to wait for Danny , on weekends, to go see things but if he is busy, see if there is a tour bus from the base into the New England area to see the fall tree color. That way you don't go alone and don't have to rent a car.

    First Willy Wonka and now Mickey Mouse, your kids don't stand a chance. :-)

    Did you see where a Beagle balloon deflated on a car, how would you like to explain that to an insurance adjuster.

    I have several knee braces you can try.
