Saturday, September 08, 2007

New feature

I know many of you check the blog everyday and I don't post very often, so I have added a new feature. If you look to the right of the posts, under the list of previous posts, there is a new option to subscribe to the blog. This will let you receive new posts in your email.
I've set it up so that you will get the email between 9 and 11 pm Japan time, so that is in the morning pacific time. This subscription option is probably best for people who don't check everyday or forget. The rest of you will probably go to the website and check for posts even if you don't get an email! :) I haven't subscribed yet, but I think I'll go try it out.
Also, I want to mention that you can subscribe to comments on the comments page. I haven't tried this either, but one of you can be the guinea pig.
Lastly, don't ignore the other two posts I made today.


  1. For me, checking your blog is like checking my e-mail, I just drop by at least once a day to see what's new. I'm just glad you're doing one, it's great! :-) Mom/Tracy

  2. Same for me. What else would I do with my time....maybe clean the house ;-)
