Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Farewell, Karamel

I got very sad news today that my pet bunny was killed. I got her as a graduation gift in 2003 from my best friend. Karamel was my second pet bunny and she was back in the states being taken care of by my grandparents. My grandfather called her his livestock and my great-grandmother couldn't remember her name so it was always Esmeralda. She was a really great pet and became very socialable because I would hold her ever day, even take her for "walks". When I had to go to college and then move to Japan she had to stay home, but I built her a bigger cage by my grandfather's workshop. I loved her a lot and am very sad she is gone.
Here are some pictures of her.


  1. So sorry your Karamel is gone, Lori. Our furfriends get into our hearts and stay there. None of them is replaceable.... they are unique and very special.

    Gramma T

  2. Thank you. I got my extra soft heart for animals from my grandma, so loosing a pet is very hard. First Ted, then Karamel. I am just sad she didn't get to live to be an old rabbit.

  3. These pictures just absolutely break my heart. Every animal you will ever own will leave a special spot in your heart just for special pets. In 70 years I have had many and they all still mean a great deal to me. I even have fond memories of the Tarantula, let alone the two chickens I hatched myself and then couldn't butcher as they had become pets. Just don' ever give up on owning pets, even though it hurts so much when we lose them, their love is worth the hurt.

    Hugs with a breaking heart,

  4. I'm so sorry lori. She was such a cool little bunny. The pictures made me kinda teary eyed too. I'm just glad she was so well loved and taken care of. You were the best bunny momma ever! I still remember that cute little harness you had for her. And when you would take her over to the hill next to your greatgrandma's. And let her run around. I'm going to miss that furry little beast, lol.
    @'~ a rose for karamel.
    Love, Becky
