Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I know I am way overdue to post pictures. I have some from the last weekend Danny was here, just some cute ones of Mocha, and some I took at the park today.
The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom and the weather was nice and warm (topped off near 70) so I had to get outside. I took pictures of the budding trees and people just lounging and enjoying the sunshine. Kana and I are talking about meeting sometime this weekend and going to a large park in Tokyo that is popular for cherry blossom viewing. If we can meet there I will take lots of pictures. Unfortunately Danny is gone through this short blooming season, so we may travel north when he gets back. There may still be some in bloom there.
I also wanted to say that I have been surrounded by babies lately. It's terrible. The school nurse is back and brought her son with her today because the woman who was going to watch him volunteers at the school. He is a month old and he fell asleep in my lap. I also got to feed and burp him (no, I didn't get spit up on!)
My friend, Amy, and her husband, Brian, just had their twins on Saturday. I haven't seen them yet, but they just got home today. I hope to go by sometime.
Through all this, I've had moments where I thought it was a good thing Danny wasn't home and knew I would need him to re-convince me that we aren't ready. Babies are cute and I do want children someday, but that someday is not today. Yes, I know there is crying, and wakeups at all hours, stinky diapers, and constant care, but I don't think I needed to remember all that to know we aren't ready. Someday. Maybe in a few years...


  1. No babies in Japan, Takes me to long to get there!

  2. Good thought, always more fun to enjoy lttle ones that belong to someone else.........when they cry you hand them back to parents and go home.
    Your time will come soon enough, enjoy married life for awhile and get really use to each other, otherwords have fun while you can, kids really put a crimp in your sails (and pocket book).


  3. Does anyone have anything good to say about having children?

  4. Yah, when their little they are really cute, and then they grow up and go away (if your lucky : ) !

    However nothing in the world beats the feeling you will get when a little one reaches up and holds your hand and looks up at you like you are the most wonderful thing in the universe, your heart will just burst.

    You notice we all bad mouth children but we still keep having them, either we are stupid, hopeing we will get a really good one, or we really do love the rug rats and can't imagine life without them, it would be very sad and dull, (Grandchildren included).


  5. Our Cherry Trees are really blooming now.

    I just found out that the little plant I call the Japanese Rose is really from Japan and China. There it is called Yamabuki or "The Mountain Flower" it is a shrub and grows all over the hill sides in Japan. They are easy to grow but get quite large and spread, however they do love shade or sun and don't complain about bad soil.
    I was going to plant near white fence, but now I think I will put it out by Rhodies near playhouse, it will be easier to control. I think I read this plant was brought to the U.S. from England in the 18 hundreds.You might watch for it in the wilder areas. Usually a bright yellow, you can't miss it.
    Sooooo how is your garden doing? If your weather is getting warmer things should really take off.

