Friday, August 24, 2007


Anyone want to see a picture of the THIRD monster spider I've had in my kitchen in a week? This one I actually killed myself, but not before soaking everything in my kitchen with bug spray.
I called the housing office and they will come fill in the gap between the wall and my cupboard soon.


  1. OK Lori,
    That almost looks like a small tarantula!! :-) Good job in taking it out. Hoo-yah!

  2. Eek! I'm not afraid of spiders, but I don't want them crawling around in my house. That one is HUGE! Hope you get the entry hole covered soon.

  3. I did some checking... this might be it.
    "Heteropoda venatoria (Sparassidae) [Japanese name : ashidaka-gumo]

    This is a huntsman spider.

    The size of this spider is about 10 centimeters, including its legs.

    This is the biggest species of all hunting spiders in Japan.

    The spider lies behind gaps in walls and ceilings in the daytime, and

    captures insects such as cockroaches and flies at night.

    Although it is a spider of southern Japan, it is moving northward.

    The length is 25-30mm.

    It is found on four main islands in Japan - namely, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa."

    You probably don't want to look, but this is where I found it. :-)

  4. Thank you Eloise!! This helps a lot. I didn't want to research it because I don't want to see pictures. This will help me when I talk to the housing office.

  5. I'm proud of you sweetie! Though I don't know if I want to come home to a house smelling like bug spray! Anyway, at least we don't have anything like these!

  6. What worries me.....if he is a cockroach eater how big will he get when he devours all the roaches in the house!
    The big ones are the hardest to kill, they make such a mess. We have been noticing spiders in the house lately. Good sized one in the tub. When I sprayed to clean, the crazy spider walked right into the cleaner....I say he commited suicide!
    Grandpa suggested a vacumn cleaner with a long hose extention.


  7. Great Grandma suggested I send over the big green and black spider in the greenhouse, maybe it would scare the others away!

