Monday, August 20, 2007

Lori, the Japanese television star

Okay, so maybe not. I can pretend, right? Its funny that someone can never have the desire to become popular or famous, but still love the opportunity to be on tv. I come from a generation of people who will do nearly anything to be on tv. I find that very sad, but I am still surprised how happy I am to tell people I did filming for a show.
So, here is the gist of what happened on Friday. I traveled to Tokyo and met my Ladies English School boss. He was there to translate or me. My Japanese is terrible. They had a small room set up as my English school. The board behind me actually said "ローリ ['Roori'] English school" I had to talk about English on shopping bags in Tokyo. I'll tell you, some of the can be hard to understand. It is called Engrish. (For some funny examples of Engrish go to
The filming took 1.5 to 2 hours and I was reimbursed for my transportation to Tokyo (1400 yen). I don't yet know when the show will be on tv, but I know it is on TV Tokyo on a show called "Symbols" - the website is in Japanese. If you search the website on google, you'll get the option to translate the site. Unfortunately the translation can be hard to understand and much of the site is in graphics.
I talked to Kana and she said Yuichi has a dvd recorder. I hope that when it is on television, he will be able to record it so everyone can see it.
Did I forget anything?


  1. How cool is that? Be sure to get a copy and save it. Years from now, you'll enjoy watching it again and your future kids will be in hysterics. Like Danny & Drew are when the see our old wedding video. I hope we're able to watch your tv debut ourselves. :-)

  2. Why English on shopping bags? Is this a big problem in Japan?
    Sounds like it was a fun experience and gave you another view of what goes on in Japan. I do hope you can get a copy of the show.
    I will check the web sites you mentioned.
    Good for you Roori!

  3. I love! It is sooooo funny sometimes. I love the sign directing to restrooms, maybe in an airport... "Go Back to Your Behind." :-D

    Congratulations on your TV debut. Hope we can see it some day.
