Friday, August 10, 2007

How cool is this?

I just got off the phone a few minutes ago from my Ladies English school boss. He was recently contacted by a Japanese television station who is filming a program where they need a native English speaker to say a few things. They asked him for a beautiful woman and he called me! :)
I would get paid 6,000 yen for an hour to say 10 words. I'd have to travel to Tokyo, which would cost me about 1,400 yen, but I think that is a pretty good profit for 10 words!! Looks like they'll want me to come to Tokyo on the 17th.
After I finished telling Danny this in email and I was about to write this blog, I got an email from a student wanting my lesson. She wants to meet every two weeks and lives in Yokohama. I wrote her back and asked her when she wanted to meet. I haven't begun to feel overwhelmed by the amount of students I have yet, although I've got some major sucking up to do on Sunday to Yutaka...


  1. WAY COOL!! Those communications class as starting to pay off. You know Jean Enerson is starting to look old....hmm.

    You must have students running out your ears.

    Oh dear...just another pretty face : )


  2. Haha, you said "way cool". You are starting to sound like me, not a 70 year old grandma!
    You can tell Jean Enerson that I really don't think I want her job.

  3. Lorelee!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Beautiful AND famous, all in one fell swoop. I never knew you had this blog, but now that I do, I am going to spend some time catching up on you. I think about you every day and wonder how you'er doing, but since we're both terrible and writing letters and emails this will be good. :o) Love you and miss you, Dee

  4. Glad you discovered our blog! I do most the writing, but you've got a years worth of things to read now! Maybe that is a little overwhelming.
    Anyway, welcome. The more conversation we have the more interesting it is!

  5. "Beautiful Woman "!
    The rest of us already knew that.

    600 Yen per word, How many letters?


    Love you
    and Great Job!

  6. Well, of course he immediately thought of you! Will you be able to send us a copy of the taping once it's all done? :-) Mom/Tracy
