Saturday, August 04, 2007

Family Cruise Day

So, over a month ago Danny's ship had a family cruise day and I completely forgot to write about it or post pictures. I made a slide show, so here they are.


  1. Looks like it was fun.
    Whale watching excursion? Boy those subs have no windows (or Macs),who would want to stationed on one of those... Ha, Ha
    Thats my idea of living shipboard, one day then get back to dry land.

    Nice pics
    Thanks for sharing

    Love Dad

  2. Why was everyone watching the Helicopter?

    I have trouble realizing that Danny is starting to look so old. I still see him as a 7th grader I guess, curly hair and glasses.

    I hope you had a good time, must make it easier to understand things he talks about.


  3. The helicopter was a scheduled flyby. It was so we could see/take pictures of them and they could take pictures of the ship.
    Its funny that you think Danny is starting to look older. He is still the youngest (officer at least) on the ship. I think even some of the midshipmen (college kids) they had this summer were older than him. He gets harassed a lot for being so young.

  4. What's even worse is my guys call the "the oldest 22 year old they know." But yes, even with the new Ensigns, I'm still the youngest JO onboard.

  5. It was so nice to see the pics of the two of you. Danny still looks like Danny to me, until I run across a picture of the two of you from years back and I realize he's maturing into a man. How that's happening while I'm not aging at all, I'll never understand. The nice thing about him being so young, is he'll still be young when he retires, should he decide to make the Navy a career. Dan will only be 49 when he retires after 30, still more than young enough to enjoy traveling, doing and seeing new things. Sweet! XXOOX Mom/Tracy
