Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I always knew I was afraid of spiders, but now I've decided I truly am arachnophobic. I had a spider in my kitchen last saturday that was maybe about 3" in diameter. I got my neighbor, Craig, to come over to take it outside. Unfortunately it escaped.
This morning (tuesday) I walked into the kitchen and there was a new one, with the old one dead. They were on the side of a kitchen cupboard. I called Grandma trying to find a good way to get rid of it. I finally got off the phone to try to kill it. I went into the kitchen with the broom and just couldn't do it. I started crying, nearly hyperventilating, a telling myself I couldn't do it. This went on for 5-10 minutes before I gave up.
I went next door and their nine-year-old daughter, Renee, wanted to come over and try to kill it. She missed a few times before it managed to escape under the stove. I sprayed a ton of bug spray on the sides and under the stove to kill it... or at least keep it from coming out again.
I know I sound like a big weeny, but I am really, really afraid of them. Cockroaches are still worst, but I have no choice but to kill them.
When I was a kid my mom freaked out about spiders. I swore I'd never be like that, but now I can't help it. I am not much younger than my mother was when I remembered her freaking out over them. Maybe someday a psychologist can solve my arachnophobia.


  1. If you really want to freak out go on the web and look up spiders. I did this for Gary when he found a hole in the ground and was sure it was made by a spider. It was the Trap Door Spider but there is also the Wolf Spider, he is really large but harmless, maybe that is what you had in the kitchen. Any how for someone who hates spiders it would be a scary web site.
    Then again maybe if you learned more about them, they wouldn't seem so scary.
    Don't tell your mother but these guys live in Nevada and Arizona, and there, some are not so friendly!


  2. We all have something that freaks us out, just not all of us are brave enough to admit it. My big freak out would be snakes. Let me find one of those in my kitchen and I'd just have to move. You're not a weeny, you're just honest! :-) Mom/Tracy
